-REI/ Private Investor-
Roberto Nerey, REI
Also Founder & Director of Guiding A New Generation
A Non Profit Organization for in aid to save the youth from gang, drugs , violence and early death.
(775) 391-6163
G.uiding A. N.ew G.eneration
Our programs and education services supply the best practices needed for a comprehensive gang strategy. The US Surgeon General's Report on Youth Violence tells an important part of the story regarding what prevention strategies work and what do not based on scientific study.
The Gang Alternatives Program has established a targeted prevention program that incorporates virtually all of the "DO WORK" strategies, including:
Gang prevention education programs for 2nd, 4th and 6th grades supporting state of Nevada Principles of Learning and objectives in reading and writing, reinforcing moral reasoning, social problem-solving, thinking skills, and classroom behavior management, Graffiti education and prevention assemblies in elementary schools; graffiti abatement partnerships with communities actively resisting the effects of gang culture, After school programs for social skills, homework assistance, and tutoring.
Case management, intake, and referral services.
Programas para padres y jovenes in English and Spanish addressing parent training.