-REI/ Private Investor-
Roberto Nerey, REI
Also Founder & Director of Guiding A New Generation
A Non Profit Organization for in aid to save the youth from gang, drugs , violence and early death.
(775) 391-6163
Roberto Nerey's Investing Misssion in Reno, NV

Twenty four years ago, I had a bright future, earning good grades at Proctor Hug High school in Reno (Northern Nevada) excelling on the football field and the wrestling mat, readying to enroll in college. But I also lived in another world: that of youth gangs, drugs and violence. When I tried to extricate myself, I encountered violent resistance. If my life challenges had seemed difficult up to then, then they seemed nearly impossible in the after math of one night tragic events that landed me in prison for Reno's first gang related drive by shooting.
" My job now is to change the realities on the ground in our city's neighborhoods so others won't fall into the lies and traps that I did. To steer our less fortunate youth away from the wrong path that no one seems to be telling them about and onto the road to becoming positive, productive citizens... Together you and I will prevail in the most important challenges of society. Together- you and I - will prevail in the most important challenges to our society."
Looking, back however, that was just the beginning of my inspiring story. Instead of ending up on society's trash heap, I bucked the stiff odds and came of of the penetentiary a better man.. I now intent, at steering inner city's youth from a life of gangs, drugs, violence, crime, incarceration and early death.
My Purpose in Life
By assisting families and guiding them to the path of home ownership, not only will I be getting families out of tough, crime invested neighborhoods, but assisting them with owning their home and fullfilling their dreams.. Any profit made by these sales will go to G.A.N.G. administration costs and services.. working towards the benefit of our disadvantaged youth of our communities. We do this by education and community awareness porgrams. our intervention and alternative services focus on the warning signs of gang involvement and drug use with our youth. Assessments and data information gives us the intelligence necessary to know active members and as a result of this information, we step into hostile situations to deter gang retaliation. We can detect and work closely with signs of hazing, peer pressure, drug, alcahol abuse, domestic violence and most common unsupervised children living in sigle parent household where not having a father as a role model is common. Nerey & Lucero Lease options earnings will continue to support our efforts toward making our neighborhoods safer for our families and loved ones by helping sponsor our outreach programs and the gang crisis teams effort..
How I can help you.
My investing group and I are 100% committed to purchasing real-estate investments that fit our criteria, and it is our goal to then sell these properties to deserving buyers through who may not meet the incredibly tight lending standards of today, but who are willing to take steps to improve their situation. We do this by offering alternative financing methods, such as lease-purchase options, and in some situations seller financing. Whether you are looking to buy a house or sell a house, we invite you to contact us first and experience the difference.
If you are looking to buy, you will see we are fair and easy to work with if you don’t have the best of credit, and most importantly, we want the process to go as smoothly and quickly as possible, so you can move on to your future goals.
We work with buyers who want to secure a home and live in it now. Don’t let your prior credit dings keep you from moving into the home of your dreams now. If you have bad credit, all that we ask is that you have a willingness to improve your credit-score so you can qualify for a loan at the end of the lease period. We have several resources to help you achieve this goal.